Inclusive Leadership: Does It Really Work?

This session is designed to help managers, executives, and other business leaders understand the complex role of leadership in diversity and inclus...

12/5/2023 12:00pm - 1:00pm  |  Online  |  AICPA

Members: $71.00, Non-members: $82.00

CPE Categories: Management of a Practice (1 CPE)

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In today's fast-paced environment of shrinking margins, disruption, and tight deadlines, organizations have an untapped asset - People. Diversity of thought is even more critical than ever before. Yet, many organizations do not fully take advantage of the opportunities to recruit and promote high performing talent.

Instructor: Jina Etienne

Target Audience

HR Professionals, Managers, those in leadership positions

Course Objectives

Identify the difference between mentors, coaches and sponsors

Identify techniques to empower a culture of inclusiveness

Identify individual and organization initiatives to enable Inclusion


The Pace of Change

Diversity vs. Inclusion

Talent Management Competencies