Ignite Blog

Ignite Blog

A blog for and by a community of accounting and finance professionals.

Spotlighting possibilities that spark future-ready success amidst a constantly evolving profession.

Contribute to our community by writing a blog to share how you are using emerging technologies or tackling a challenge.

Is an Accounting Reboot Imminent? Part Three | Computers & Other Supporting Characters Role in a New Accounting Paradigm

July 25, 2024

This blog series started in May, focusing on the accounting pipeline and many other issues storming the accounting profession. In June, the series continued with why the old way of doing things is no longer a viable solution and that breaking the mold is the best way to rebuild the profession in a dynamic new way that better reflects accountants' multi-faceted role in the modern business world. This month's blog continues by exploring ideas and innovative approaches underway to solve accounting's most vexing dilemmas.
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Is an Accounting Reboot Imminent? Part Two | BREAK THE MOLD™ and Boldly Lead the Profession

June 27, 2024

Many reports have emerged about the accounting profession and how it needs to change. In brainstorming topics for this month's blog on leadership, I couldn't help but ponder how professionals develop leadership skills in a profession that is at a crossroads. Perhaps aspiring leaders should break the mold and help rebuild the profession instead of waiting to see where the profession heads.
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Is an Accounting Reboot Imminent? Part One | The Perfect Storm - Watch, Warning or Destruction?

May 31, 2024

A storm is brewing! Reports of storms ripple across states, industries, and demographics, and problems are pelting the accounting pipeline. What is the national and local forecast, and will there be a rainbow after the storm?
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The Emotional Side of Selling or Buying a CPA Firm

April 25, 2024

Dale Carnagie once said, “when dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.” There have been numerous articles written telling you how to sell, buy or value a CPA firm, but rarely is a business transaction examined from an emotional perspective. It’s important to be aware of our emotional state while making critical decisions.
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Why investing in the current CFO — and their successor — could yield big returns

March 20, 2024

While many of the CFO career characteristics remain true, a new study from the EY Center for Executive Leadership (CEL) points to a dramatic shift in both the makeup of the CFO’s role in an organization and the career trajectory of today’s CFO, changes that both financial leaders – and the organizations that rely on their expertise – need to prepare for. In this article, we share the results of this study, starting with insights on the increasing rotation in the CFO role and its impact on the business. We also explore what it takes to develop future CFOs as well as the future trajectory of current CFOs as they prepare for their next step. Finally, we provide some actions that CFOs as well as CEOs and chief human resources officers (CHROs) can take to adapt to shifts in tenure, responsibilities and characteristics of the modern CFO.
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How DEI will shape the HR departments, culture and strategic direction of next-gen organizations

February 27, 2024

Contrary to some reports, Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives are not going away. They are expanding well beyond the core initiatives of race and gender to encompass areas such as neuro-diversity, religion and primary caregivers. Astute organizations will take note as these paradigms will likely shape the HR departments, culture and strategic direction of next-gen organizations. Jose Velasco, SAP’s VP of Product Management, is quoted as saying, “The war for talent only exists if we have our peripheral blinders on…take them off and you will see the talent on the edges that you had never seen before”.
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Advocating for CPAs - 2024 Legislative Session Preview

January 11, 2024

As the 2024 Kansas Legislative Session kicks off, we're highlighting the KSCPA's advocacy efforts. Every year, legislation is introduced at the Kansas Statehouse that can potentially impact you, your clients, and the profession. The KSCPA is the primary organization in Kansas advocating on your behalf and for CPAs across the state to build and protect the accounting profession. We seek to adhere to five guiding principles in our advocacy efforts:
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Three Essential Virtues for Volunteer Organizations

December 20, 2023

Ninety people have served in this role before me. I want to acknowledge their service to the KSCPA and the profession. Their leadership and commitment to the organization is an inspiration. Organizations like ours depend on two stakeholder groups to help it accomplish its goals, staff that we hire and volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering, see the KSCPA volunteering opportunities on the society website. We need volunteers to engage with organizational service opportunities so the KSCPA can accomplish its mission and make a difference for their members and the accounting community.  We need volunteers that Patrick Lencioni in his book The Ideal Team Player identifies as, humble, hungry, and smart. 
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What is CPA Evolution?

November 30, 2023

The AICPA Governing Council and the NASBA Board of Directors will officially implement the new CPA Exam in 2024, called CPA Evolution. While you may be asking, "What is CPA Evolution?" there isn't a short answer. Let's look at some of the background and underlying reasons behind the decision to update the exam as well as what is changing so you know more about what to expect once it launches in January 2024. 
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What needs to happen for the metaverse to reach its potential for small business?

October 26, 2023

The amount of global coverage for the metaverse has ramped up in recent times, creating the impression that it will soon become a common way to sell, play and work online. But for many people, there is confusion around what the metaverse actually is and how it could be used in a practical way. The metaverse is a form of internet that operates as a blended and immersive virtual world, powered by a mix of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). What’s interesting is that the foundations of the metaverse are being built into technology you may already use today.  We thought we’d look at what needs to happen for the metaverse to reach its full potential, and where opportunities for dabbling in it now already exist. Let’s look at how you can start becoming better versed in the metaverse.
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Setting a Vision for the Future

September 28, 2023

The KSCPA Board of Directors meets annually for a strategic planning retreat. The retreat allows the KSCPA board to reflect on our achievements while considering how we can reimagine and reinvent ourselves to deliver membership value into the future. This process includes frank conversations about what we can realistically achieve, including deciding what we need to stop doing. In addition, we challenge ourselves to take bold and creative steps to ensure that we are future-ready. Following our strategic planning session, we wanted to share some essential takeaways that reflect our dedication to the profession and our commitment to you, our valued members:
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Meet the 2023-2024 Lead to the Future Class

August 23, 2023

Last month, we kicked off the 2023-2024 Lead to the Future Program, welcoming the newest class of participants! This is the 13th class of our leadership development program.
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Winning at Work Requires Winning at Home

July 27, 2023

If your people aren’t winning at home, they will struggle, at best, winning at work. And if they have to choose between the two, they will almost always choose winning at home. You could argue, “It’s not my job to help my team members figure out how to manage childcare or their commute or caring for elderly parents.” However, it’s imperative now -- more than ever -- to understand your team members’ needs as they continue to manage capacity and capitalize on opportunities for growth.
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Be the CEO of your career

June 16, 2023

Who is the person most responsible for your career success? It’s you! It’s imperative to take ownership of your career trajectory. You need to care more about your career advancement than anyone else. This is especially true with the constant, rapid change in the marketplace today. Don’t leave it to chance. Think of your career as a business and guess who’s the CEO? It’s you!
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Filling the Pipeline: The Impact of Mentorship on Youth Success

May 25, 2023

In the last few months, KSCPA, AICPA and the entire accounting community have talked extensively about pipeline issues and challenges. While there are a host of factors hindering the flow, the logical first step is to help young people flourish and succeed. That is why Micheal Lawrence of Big Brothers Big Sisters was asked to be a guest blogger on the profound impacts of mentorship on youth success, which is a win for us all!
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You Don’t Always Have to be in the Game to Add Value

April 20, 2023

While riding the ups and downs of this year’s atypical Final Four, I couldn’t help but wonder if accountants get to enjoy the drama as it unfolds on the courts. Is it unfortunate timing, a welcome escape, or an ironic twist that while athletes are hard charging on the court, accountants are nose to the grindstone in the office? It made me contemplate what it takes to prepare for the Final Four, tax season and, quite frankly, success in life itself!
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What is a Cash Balance Plan and What are the Benefits?

March 15, 2023

Cash balance plans help business owners fund and deduct very large employer contributions. These plans allow employers to contribute significantly more than they can with a typical 401(k) plan. They are also a great way to reduce the company tax burden. Cash Balance plans allow business owners to make up for lost time related to their retirement savings and are a good option for those who might need to catch up on retirement plan savings.
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Now Is the Time to Address DEI in the Accounting Profession

February 16, 2023

While diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts have improved in accounting, they haven’t created substantial change. Dismantling remaining roadblocks requires a comprehensive effort and new ways of thinking, say Deloitte Tax’s Steve Kimble and Stephen Metoyer as part of our look ahead to 2023.
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KSCPA - Advocating for CPAs

January 13, 2023

As the 2023 Kansas Legislative Session kicks off, we wanted to take the month of January to highlight the KSCPA's advocacy efforts. Every year, pieces of legislation are introduced at the Kansas Statehouse that can potentially impact you, your profession, and/or your clients. The KSCPA is the primary organization in Kansas advocating on your behalf and for CPAs across the state to build and protect the accounting profession.
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Working to Enhance Value to Members through a Sustainable Organization

December 16, 2022

What will the coming year hold for KSCPA, its' member and accounting in Kansas?
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INSPIRE Camp 2022

November 22, 2022

How can you help KSCPA INSPIRE the next generation of accounting leaders? What does the evolution of accounting look like, and what influence can you have? What strides are KSCPA, secondary and higher education institutions, and employers making to fill the accounting pipeline? Read this month's KSCPA blog to INSPIRE you!
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What Does D&I Really Mean to the D&I Guy?

October 19, 2022

I thought this piece should provide a look into who I am; what influenced me, what instilled the character and conviction about people’s right to be who they are and why I’m so damn passionate about D&I. And while the theme of Diversity and Inclusion is fairly universal, what its essence is to each of us is deeply rooted in our personal experiences.
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The Road Less Traveled: What a Career in Accounting Has Taught Me

September 30, 2022

At a recent KSCPA conference, Scot and KSCPA staff talked about attracting students to accounting, which led to an enlightening conversation about connectivity at all levels, the twist and turns along the career path and how no journey is the same. We thought those stories should be shared. Therefore, in this month's blog, Scot is helping kick off a KSCPA Video Series, Taking the Road Less Traveled: What a Career in Accounting has Taught Me.
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KSCPA Board of Directors Strategic Planning Retreat Recap

August 26, 2022

The KSCPA Board and staff met for our annual strategic planning retreat in mid-July. The retreat is a way for us to reflect on what the KSCPA has achieved together over the last year while we also consider how we can reimagine and reinvent ourselves to deliver membership value into the future. This process includes frank conversations about what we can realistically achieve, including deciding what we need to stop doing. In addition, we challenge ourselves to take bold and creative steps to ensure that we are future-ready. 
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Accounting Firm Technology: 7 Solutions You Need

July 14, 2022

In this article, we’ll look at the latest trends in accounting software and discuss new technologies in accounting. From traditional solutions that are back in demand to leading-edge technologies, there are many types of technology used in accounting today. Each of the technologies covered are making a significant and lasting impact on the future of accounting.
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Building a Firm of Leaders

June 24, 2022

Succession planning is a continuing challenge for accounting firm owners and leaders. According to Accounting Today, 50% of firm owners have no exit plan, and 30% think they have a plan but don’t have execution steps. While there is real value in having a formal, strategic succession plan, you could be in a much better position if you build a firm of leaders who are always preparing to step into their next role. 
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Wellness Leave is the New Sick Leave

May 20, 2022

How one Kansas organization is redefining the way its works by embracing what its employees really wanted post-pandemic.
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Diversifying Global Accounting Talent: Actionable Solutions for Progress

April 21, 2022

IMA® (Institute of Management Accountants), CalCPA (California Society of CPAs), and IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) commenced a journey to empirically assess the current state of DE&I within the global accounting profession. Together with research partners and contributors, a multi-part global series of DE&I research studies was conducted in the U.S., Europe and the Mediterranean, Asia-Pacific, and the Middle East & North Africa regions that revealed striking similarities between perceptions and experiences of members of the profession across jurisdictions.
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Mentoring An Intergenerational Workforce

March 11, 2022

A KSCPA Ignite Blog by Randy Johnston | Partner at K2 Enterprises | If the company you work for is of any size at all, your co-workers likely represent at least four generations – maybe five. And how do we go about mentoring an intergenerational workforce? With the great resignation and retirement underway, we must focus on mentoring our workforce.
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Leaders Share Tips for Surviving the "Busier" Season

February 18, 2022

As your days become even more fast-paced and busier, we wanted to share tips on how to survive - and - thrive during these busy times.
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Fraud and COVID-19 | Where to Look for Clues

January 3, 2022

A KSCPA Ignite Blog By Gary Zeune, CPA | Amanda Fletcher, CPA, CFE | Eric Conforti, CPA, CFE | The COVID-19 pandemic caused a sudden change to various work environments due to a rapid widespread pivot to remote work, and many individuals faced unexpected economic hardship - a perfect opportunity and rationalization to commit fraud.
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Developing the Firm’s People, Processes, and Profit

December 13, 2021

A KSCPA Ignite Blog by Kathy Esper, MBA, PCC | This time of fast-moving change requires leaders and their people — across many industries — to manage in a depth and breadth of ways that have not been experienced before.
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INSPIRE Business Camp: A Prime Example of the Accounting Ecosystem

November 5, 2021

The Kansas Society of CPAs INSPIRE Business Camp was a day of opportunity and community building. The camp may seem like a fun day off from school to explore a career path, but it is so much more. The camp lays the groundwork for potential future accountants while showcasing the relevance of a robust accounting ecosystem.
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8 Takeaways From My Summer Internship

October 1, 2021

A KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Norm Hope Ph.D., CPA | Associate Professor of Business | McPherson College | Re-experiencing a summer internship offers meaningful insight for both accounting college students and accounting professionals.
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Introducing the Lead to the Future (L2F) Class of 2021-2022

September 9, 2021

Last week, we welcomed the 2021-2022 class of KSCPA's Lead to the Future (L2F) Program! We applaud the participants for choosing to take this giant step forward to enhance their leadership journey! We also celebrate the organizations that believe in this program and support their team leaders in their career development, significantly impacting the future of accounting in Kansas.
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It’s a Whole New World, and KSCPA is Ready, Are You?

August 30, 2021

Exploring where we have been, where we plan to go...
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5 Simple Tech Tools to Increase Effectiveness and Efficiency

July 23, 2021

A KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Anthony Mongeluzo, CEO of PCS
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GASB | Accounting Changes and Error Corrections

June 11, 2021

A KSCPA Ignite Blog (Vlog) by: Melisa Galasso, CPA, CSP, CPTD
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Keeping Kansas CPAs on Solid Ground

May 28, 2021

A KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Aron Dunn, CPA, CCIFP and Chad Allen, CPA, CITP
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April 9, 2021

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Christina Ricke, CPA, CGMA, Principal | K-Coe Isom | Chair of the Kansas Society of CPAs Board of Directors
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CPA Evolution Update

March 26, 2021

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Carl R. Mayes, Jr., CPA, AICPA Associate Director | CPA Quality & Evolution
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Technology Strategies to Become Truly Remote-Ready

February 24, 2021

A KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Jennifer Wilson and Renee Moelders, ConvergenceCoaching, LLC
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Contact Your Legislator by January 30th

January 22, 2021

A KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Natasha Schamberger, CPA, KSCPA | CEO & President
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Reflections and Connections

December 23, 2020

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Want to Adopt a Growth Mindset? Here's How.

November 20, 2020

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Insights on Work at Home

October 30, 2020

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Mid-Year Tax Planning Tips

September 17, 2020

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Lead Your Home Team Through Virtual School

August 27, 2020

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KSCPA Board of Directors Strategic Priorities Recap

August 25, 2020

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COVID-19 Highlights Advances in Online Learning Opportunities

July 30, 2020

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A Better Approach to Our Relationship with Tech

May 29, 2020

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Advocacy Efforts Show Love for CPAs

February 14, 2020

An Ignite Blog by Natasha Schamberger, CPA
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Go Beyond the Tax Return

January 31, 2020

An Ignite Blog by Lindsey Curley, CPA, CGMA
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Process Development - Fundamentally Firm Changing

December 20, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog By: Melody Feniks, CPA, CGMA
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Winter is Coming and So is a New Decade

December 6, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Damon Ward, CPA, CGMA | Director of Tax, Spirit AeroSystems, Inc.
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Technology is Driving the Future of Tax: Is your foot on the gas or are you just along for the ride?

November 22, 2019

An Ignite Blog By: Susan Day, CPA, CGMA | Principal, Adams Brown Beran & Ball, Chartered (ABBB)
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How CPAs Can Protect Client Data with Third-Party Vendors

November 15, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Dustin Hall | Director, CPACharge
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Playbook Strategies for Business Relationship Development

October 25, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Mark Lacy, CPA | Lead Client Service Partner at Deloitte & Touche LLP
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Connecting With Your Team: The Secret Sauce

September 20, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Robyn Seglem, CPA, CGMA | Director of Accounting, LK Architecture, Inc.
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Voices Heard: Small Firm Forum

September 6, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Carl Peterson, CPA, CGMA | VP – Small Firm Interests – Public Accounting, AICPA
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You Had Me At Hello…

August 23, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Gerrie Meyer, Director of Employee Development, Adams Brown Beran & Ball, Chtd. | Featuring recruiting tips for employers and students.
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Embracing Innovation Has Definite Advantages

August 16, 2019

KSCPA Ignite blog by: Donna Funk, CPA | Principal at K•Coe Isom
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Turning Legacy into Change - Supercharging Our Young Leaders for the Future

June 21, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Jessica Dwyer, CPA | Manager, K•Coe Isom
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Leader, Slow Down to Go Faster

May 3, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Jon Lokhorst, CPA, ACC | Executive Leadership Coach, Lokhorst Consulting LLC
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Generation Z Talent Seeks Empowering Work Culture

April 19, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog Featuring Professors' Insights and Gen Z Insights
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Students’ Outlook on Accounting Careers

February 15, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog Featuring Priyanka Kapur and Colby Woods
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The New Accountant – The Business Athlete

February 1, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Richard Dinkel, CPA | VP, Controller and Chief Risk Officer, Koch Industries, Inc.
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"I Wish I Was 30 Years Younger!"

January 18, 2019

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Jay D. Langley, CPA, CGMA
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Adding Wind to Your Sails: A Three-Legged Model for Advisory Services

December 21, 2018

KSCPA Ignite Blog Featuring Swindoll Janzen Hawk & Loyd, LLC
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A Collective Effort: Building Future Women Leaders

December 14, 2018

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Amber K. Goering, CPA, CGMA
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Breaking Free of the Past

November 2, 2018

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Garrett Wagner, CPA.CITP
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The World Series of Succession Planning - Team Strategy for Solo Practitioners and Sole Proprietors

October 26, 2018

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Bill Reeb, CPA, CITP, CGMA Chief Executive Officer, Succession Institute, LLC
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The World Series of Succession Planning - Team Strategy for Multi-Owner Firms

October 26, 2018

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Bill Reeb, CPA, CITP, CGMA
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Bridge to the Future

July 13, 2018

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Chad Allen, CPA.CITP, Partner at Hutchins & Haake, LLC
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Ignite Your Summer!

June 1, 2018

KSCPA Ignite Blog by: Natasha Schamberger, CPA, KSCPA CEO & President
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