Tax Research II - Tax Staff Essentials

Learn how to efficiently and effectively solve tax issues for your clients by learning how to ask better tax questions.

4/25/2024 1:00pm - 5:00pm  |  Online  |  AICPA

Members: $213.00, Non-members: $261.00

CPE Categories: Taxation (4 CPE)

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Ask the right questions

Finding the right answer to a tax question starts with asking the most important questions, which are rarely the most obvious ones.

Learn to examine a unique set of facts in light of the tax law so that you can develop those precise questions that help your clients understand their options.

Learn to identify and phrase critical tax questions as you structure your searches and formulate the questions to make your research more effective.


Understand how to analyze your client's situation and place in the context of previous cases through research. Learn how to talk with clients about your findings in their cases.

Target Audience

'- Tax staff (firm or in-house)

Course Objectives

- Identify the appropriate authority for tax problems.

- Identify the evidence you gather regarding your client's tax situation.

- Distinguish the facts from other cases to reach a conclusion about your client's case.

- Identify specific ways to communicate your findings to your client.

- Recall the research methodology that is appropriate to tax planning.


the elusive nature of Tax questions

Assessing and Applying Authority

External communications

research methodology for Tax planning comprehensive examples