Bitcoin Fundamentals - What Every CPA Should Know

After more than 10 years in the market place, Bitcoin has been firmly planted in the global financial system as the de facto leader in the cryptocu...

2/1/2023 8:00am - 11:00am  |  Online  |  CPA Crossings


CPE Categories: Specialized Knowledge & Applications (3 CPE)

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After more than 10 years in the market place, Bitcoin has been firmly planted in the global financial system as the de facto leader in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin is no longer looked at as a mystical concept of money made of pixie dust. Bitcoin has evolved to be a major force in the financial technology (FinTech) industry. At this point in time, the total market valuation of Bitcoin is over $750 billion and if it were a company, it would be among the top 10 companies in terms of market capitalization. As a CPA advising your clients on financial matters, it is imperative that you have a fundamental understanding of Bitcoin and how it all works. This course provides you with a solid base of Bitcoin knowledge so that you will be confident in having those client conversations, as well as participating in the Bitcoin ecosystem. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Presented by CPA Crossings, LLC

Instructor: John H. Higgins, CPA.CITP

Target Audience

Anyone who is interested in the future of money or wants to participate in Bitcoin

Course Objectives

After attending this presentation you will be able to...

  • Recognize the impact that Bitcoin and other crypto currencies are having on the global monetary ecosystem
  • Identify the components of the Bitcoin ecosystem and how they all work together as a global crypto currency
  • Recognize how you can participate in the Bitcoin ecosystem


The major topics that will be covered in this class include:

  • TheĀ  evolution of money: barter, gold, paper, digital, cryptocurrency
  • Bitcoin defined: technology, currency, payment system, store of value
  • How Bitcoin works: origin, network, nodes, miners, transactions
  • Participating in the Bitcoin network: procuring, spending, accepting and storing Bitcoin
  • Introduction to Ethereum, a substantial alternative to Bitcoin
  • Income tax implications of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies
  • Analysis of the current market value of Bitcoin and Ethereum