Health savings accounts (HSAs) are an effective way for employers to provide employees with financial help so they can pay their out-of-pocket medi...
12/4/2023 9:00am - 11:00am | Online | Surgent
CPE Categories: Taxation (2 CPE)
Interest Areas: Taxation
Health savings accounts (HSAs) are an effective way for employers to provide employees with financial help so they can pay their out-of-pocket medical expenses in a tax-efficient manner. Individuals who are not participating in an employer-funded HSA may set up their own HSA to achieve the same ends. Clients often ask tax practitioners about the mechanics of HSAs and whether they are beneficial. This program is a two-hour discussion of the topic led by Roy Ramthun, who will take you through the many rules and complexities of this challenging subject.
Presented by Mike Tucker, Ph.D., LL.M., J.D., CPA
Finance and accounting professionals who anticipate advising clients with respect to health care issues, and particularly the role and mechanics of HSAs
Basic knowledge of individual income taxation
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