Yellow Book and Single Audit Update

OMB recently released changes to the Yellow Book and Compliance Supplement. This course will reduce the likelihood of noncompliance with relevant professional and regulatory auditing and reporting standards.

06/20/2024, 9:00-10:40 am  |  Videocast  |  KSCPA

Members: $99.00, Non-members: $139.00

CPE Categories: Auditing (2 CPE)

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Yellow Book and Single Audit reporting entities have complex and unique financial statement audit, compliance and reporting issues. Deficiencies in these types of audit engagements are common. This course will reduce the likelihood of noncompliance with relevant professional and regulatory auditing and reporting standards.

Target Audience

Practitioners in public practice, nonprofit, and government.

Course Objectives

  • Identify the differences in the auditor’s responsibility between generally accepted auditing standards, generally accepted government auditing standards, and OMB Uniform Guidance
  • Recognize common deficiencies in Yellow Book and Single Audit engagements
  • Recall the special reporting requirements of Yellow Book and Single Audit engagements


Basic knowledge of governmental and nonprofit accounting and/or auditing.